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Improve Global Health Fund


The Health Fund consists of organizations working both in the United States and in developing countries to address some of the greatest health challenges of our world today. Whether it is finding a cure for a deadly disease, providing vaccines and critical medications to those that need them most, or educating the public on good nutrition, the nonprofits in this fund are working to ensure that everyone achieves good health.

How your support helps

Care and Treatment
To ensure the sick everywhere have a chance at recovery, organizations in this group supply the infrastructure and tools necessary for quality care: hospitals, clinics, medical equipment, medication, doctors and nurses. This means bringing care and treatment to the people that need it most.
Understanding and Awareness
Good health begins with understanding. Educating people how to prevent and protect against disease is critical to enabling individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Nonprofits in this group are working to spread the word about the most pressing health issues of our time, so that everyone is well-equipped to take care of themselves.
Research and Health Innovation
New technologies have the ability to improve the lives of present and future generations. Whether it is a new medication or a cutting-edge medical device, these organizations are supporting the discovery of cures and the development of new medical tools.
Eradication and Prevention of Disease
Some of the deadliest disease can easily be prevented. Yet, many still suffer from the very illnesses that could be avoided or even eradicated. Whether it providing vaccinations for polio or bug nets for malaria, these organizations are saving the lives of millions of people by implementing these preventative measures.

Recent activity from fund organizations

Improve Global Health Fund

Support this Fund

Your $25.00
can provide 1 box of medical supplies: each box contains life-saving medical supplies and equipment delivered to hospitals and clinics in developing countries around the world.
Your $50.00
provides 2 patients with high-quality healthcare in rural Nepal.
Your donation supports the pool of 5 nonprofits

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