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Support Raudha's favourite organisations - Birthday Edition Fund

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$3,165.00 raised of $1,000.00 goal

The goal has been reached! You can still donate to show your support.

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Hey all, it's that time of the year for raudsgiving again, and to celebrate my day of birth! This year, I have chosen 4 organisations that have impacted my life in one way or another and I want to gift back to them! Instead of a birthday shindig, I will also be using the money I've put away for my birthday to match up to $400 in donations you make! My goal is to hit $1000 by the end of my birthday month and I hope that you can spare some change to support those that are facing any type of insecurity right now. Thank you in advance. I'll give you a hug and a high 5 the next time I see you (=

Your Donation Supports

National Alliance On Mental Illness Of New York City

NAMI is a great free resource for anyone looking to get educated on Mental Wellness. As someone who has been diagnosed with anxiety and depression since I was 18, NAMI has been a great place for me to find information on finding a therapist when I first moved to NY and attending free talks during Covid to extend my knowledge on mental wellness. They offer resources such as classes and training, mental health programs and events, and a helpline to recommend non-emergency resources and solutions.

New York University

The Islamic Centre of NYU has been a safe space for me to grow as a Muslim woman in the city. From volunteering for Iftar during Ramadhan, to celebrating my 1st Eid alone in the city. Everyone has been so welcoming and free of judgement of the way I have decided to practice.

They are currently raising funds for the orphans of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

North Brooklyn Coalition of Neighbors Helping Neighbors

North Brooklyn Angels was a sanctuary for me during the pandemic while I was FUNemployed. Being able to serve and give back to the community that I so dearly love has been great. North Brooklyn Angels aims to raise awareness about food insecurity in North Brooklyn neighborhoods by organizing interested neighbors to volunteer their time in meal prep and service.

I have volunteered many many hours with the Angels and can confirm that it's been really rewarding being able to support others within the community.

Support Raudha's favourite organisations - Birthday Edition Fund

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Community Services
Your donation supports the pool of 3 nonprofits

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